Tuesday, December 6, 2016

20 years later... it's called the Non-Traditional Student

Twenty years ago at this time I was finishing up my first semester ever of college. I was attending the University of Wyoming and I lived with my best friend, Kris. We had more fun than any two college kids ever had--ever. We were good and silly and had blast dating every boy we could.

I was studying Special Education. I remember I had to take "Overview of Special Ed" and it was a terrible class! I was terrified... I remember thinking, This is an overview of my MAJOR and I hate it! Turns out it was just a crappy class, the rest of my Special Ed. classes were pretty awesome.

I met my dear friend Bridgette because of our matching majors. Bridgette became my other BFF and my roommate year 2.

It was really pretty great--all of it. I had so much fun and I was so focused and intent on what I wanted to do. People left and right were changing majors again and again and I never did. I just knew exactly what I wanted to do. However, the start of my Senior year I had a baby and I never finished. And I don't regret that. I could never regret staying home and taking care of my baby boy.
20 years later, today, I just finished up my first semester back in school, this time as a non-traditional student. I'm officially no longer 18... I suppose officially I was no longer 18 twenty years ago. I'm not quite as focused--at least in the major department. I have too many things I would like to do. So, I'm still figuring that out. But that's okay. I'm learning a lot, and a lot less worried about dating--except for my husband, but we go on a date almost every Friday. :)
I can honestly say I had no idea, zero, zip, zilch, nope, no idea at all how much crazier it would feel this time around. I only took 6 credits, with a household to run, 4 kids to raise, a husband to date and books to write. I was sure 6 measly credits would not disrupt my life so wholly. But I was wrong. It totally threw everything in my life for a loop. When I finally got used to the new schedule and my daily life though, I loved it. I loved learning new things and using those things. And I think the classes I chose to take were very much inspired as they broke this non-traditional student in well. I truly enjoyed each class and the work I did. I'm not so sure about next semester, {Biology}. YIKES! However, I do have faith that I can do it, now.

These girls were in my tech class, they helped me settle back in and find a place nicely. I love them!

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