Thursday, October 12, 2017

Nailing the Pendulum Down

The way a pendulum works is that once it has reached far right it must fall left… and once it has reached far left it must fall right.

That’s just the way it is. Unless unnaturally forced it cannot stay full right. It cannot stay full left.

It swings. It travels. It changes.

I don’t do political posts. Honestly, I can’t stomach it. The arguing, the disagreeing, the trying to tear another’s view down, or even just trying to convince them you’re right… I can’t do it without feeling like my insides are attempting to become my outsides… I’m glad others aren’t like that. We need people who can constructively critique and disagree. And there are those who do it so kindly, so tactfully, so well.

However, I’m not one of them. I just mumble and maybe cry while my insides try to crawl their way to my outsides.

With that said… not picking on anything specific I want to say: I’m worried.

I’m worried that our worldly pendulum is nailed to the left when it needs to swing right. I’m worried that we are so concerned as a society to make things “fair” or “the same” or “equal” that we are forgetting that we AREN’T the same.

We’re different.  
Men. Women.
Boy. Girl.
Black. White.
Big. Small.
Left. Right.
We are different.

Thank goodness.
Differences should be celebrated.
Differences should be embraced.

What makes you different makes you… you. Makes you important. Makes you special.

Don’t lose yourself or what’s so precious about you trying so hard to make life fair. Because fair isn’t giving everyone the same thing. Fair is giving everyone what they need.
So, be different. And be glad you are.

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