Friday, February 17, 2017

Book Review: Switched by Amanda Hocking

Wendy isn't who she thinks she is... her life changes dramatically as she goes from sister and high school reject to a Troll Princess (yes troll). Action, love, fantasy. Lots of fun stuff in this read.
I liked this book. The more I read, the more I liked it. To be honest, in the beginning, there were several writing-things that bugged me... a lot. But I got over them. There are a few technical mistakes, which don't super bother me. And then a few writing no-no's that she broke--a lot. But really unless you're a writer you probably wouldn't notice them. Anyway--that was kind of my hang up in the beginning. Just a few things that bugged me, but once I got into the story and used to her writing style, I really enjoyed the book--and her writing style, I just needed an adjusting period. Which is a total "it's me, not you" thing. For being a writer, I'm not always the greatest reader.
Anyway, it was a good read. And for a normal person it probably would be from the very start. I am in editing mode currently and I was getting bugged easily by certain things.
But like I said, I got over it and in the end I was invested in the characters and plot!

Another UGH for Switched though... Aside from my lame irritations, this book has an F word. Just the one. Few things bug me more than a perfectly great, clean story being ruined by a lame F word.
Why people? Why?? It really didn't move your story along and it didn't develop the character who said it AT ALL.

Switched was a very entertaining story.

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