Monday, March 7, 2016

Ungrateful Tears

I feel so ungrateful when I cry.
And yet I cry.
Sometimes it feels like I can't help it.
Like there's no other choice.
So, I cry my ungrateful tears and then try to move on.

My Little Miss is doing so well and we've had so many amazing tender merciful blessings in our lives due to her Apraxia--as well as loads of improvement. Gallons and tons and mounds of improvement--I mean she's gone from 6 words just 6 months ago to... I've lost track now. It's so good.
And yet sometimes I cry, still.

As far as we've come, we've got years and years of work ahead of us. And some days are a bigger reminder of that than others.
Today--ugh, it's only ten in the  morning--is one of those days.

She has so much to say and so much that still can't quite get out. And her little heart breaks every time her mother can't understand her.
And so I cry too.

I'm pretty much a big baby--but if you've read this blog for... oh, ya know, longer than... oh, a minute you already know that.

I know she's come a long ways--a really long ways in such a short time--thus the feeling ungrateful at my blubbering. But the mom in me can't stop the guilt or the sadness when I don't know what she's saying.

It'll pass, right? Most things do--Here's to hoping she still wants to tell me everything when we're at that point.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Jenny I love you so very blessed Sydney is to have you as her mother. You are an amazing individual sweetheart. I am so proud of you and the strength and care you continually show..I love you sweet girl. May God continue to bless you and your wonderful little family
