Monday, August 22, 2016

Sending your child into the pit of despair... we also like to call Kindergarten

First day.
I survived.
She survived.
There were tears, I'm not gonna lie, on both our ends.

It's scary, sending your baby to school where someone other than yourself will be loving and caring for them. S-C-A-R-Y.

But it really isn't the "pit of despair"... no, I'm just a Princess Bride fan. Really her teacher seems amazing and her SLP IS amazing and there. And when Little Miss had a hard time she was right there to give her a hug--for which I am thankful beyond words.

Still, it's hard and it feels like sending them off to battle or something else irrational and insane. And you wonder if everything you've been teaching them for the last five years of their little life is about to fly out the window.

And for me--I should know better. Three brothers went ahead of her. They all survived. Sure they learned a few things I'm not so in love with, but they're still them, we're still us. They still have what I've taught them.

The other day Little Miss and I were at the park. We were swinging and a little boy ran up to the swings and sat by her. He was talking--to himself really, but he kept using the Lord's name in vain.

No judgements people--we just don't do that. And we've taught our kids not to. Kindergarten was coming and it gave me a small panic attack--she's going to hear this and worse at school and everything I've taught her is going to vanish!!!--{because, yeah, sometimes I'm a drama momma like that}.
Then, my girl--who no doubtedly heard the little guy say it again and again started to sing: "God is bigger than the boogie man." It's a Veggie Tales song. She heard him, but she brought the word "God" back into the context that she knows, that she's been taught in my home. And I thought... okay we can do this. Maybe the pit of despair won't be so terrible.

And of course it isn't.
It's wonderful.
It's just new.
And different.
And so very much for her, but honestly just as much for me. My life, as I've known it for the last 16 and 3/4 years is changing... dramatically. And selfishly I really like my life.
PB&J's with my littles.

Change isn't evil. It is what it is. I'll still need my box of tissues tomorrow, but that's okay. I really do want them to grow up and do all the amazing things I know they can do. So, change is inevitable!

Cheers to change. And happy first day of school my friends!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your heart. I was right there with wondering what would come of sending him out of my grasp how would he handel himself - how would I survive my lunch alone in the quiet. But to embrace change teaches out children a whole new avenue of life. So I blew kisses and cried later. And thanked God that He was with my guy all day!
