Monday, February 23, 2015

Dear Mr. Knightley

Don't you love when you have a friend who knows your book taste so well--that it's kind of a guarantee you'll love whatever they recommend?
I have one of those. :)
Yay for me!
So, I don't know why it took me a month to start Dear Mr. Knightley. I guess life got in the way of my reading. Rude. But once I got going--life had to wait. :) 
I loved it!
Dear Mr. Knightley is funny and witty, but it was so real too. I believed every word Reay wrote. This book has soul. This book has voice--so much voice. And it was beautiful. I closed the last page, only to open it again.

It gets:

as well as:

And a place on my bookshelf! :)
Go read it!

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