Tuesday, February 17, 2015

It's such a bummer when you learn the world doesn't revolve around you--4 ways to make sure your kids know it!

My youngest little man, our Sheriff, has had a rough realization this week. It's awful... and it's crappy... and it's so unfair
The world does not revolve around him.
Oh, disaster.

Okay, I don't mean to mock him--at all, actually. 
It really has been a harder week at my house. 
And at one point I said to my hubby--If he is like this at 9, I'm not sure I want to see him at 15!!!!!!
And then I sort of wanted to cry--but I didn't. 
{I know what you're thinking--whoa, she cries A LOT.}
Well, I didn't this time, I just wanted to.

So, being in a very peeved state I got online to trusty ol' google and looked up: how to help your kid realize the world doesn't revolve around him.
I found a couple articles--neither of which I really cared for.
So, I am writing my own. 
I am not a terrible mother. 
I love my children.
I have a great desire for them to turn out wonderful contributing community members.
And I pray--O, I pray a lot.
Then, I just thought it out. And here's what I've come up with. This is how I am going to teach the Sheriff, as well as the other 3 lovelies that they are wonderful--really really wonderful, BUT not the only people on the planet.

#1 We are going to serve. 
When you serve someone else, you don't have time to think about yourself--and even if you do, you hopefully soon lose yourself in good works.

#2 {I'm already pretty good at this one :)}
I am going to say "No" A LOT! 
Start young--err or NOW!
And say "No."
They don't need everything. 
They don't know it, but they don't even want everything.
They will be better, stronger, happier people when we, their parents don't give them everything!

#3 This one can be a toughy. 
You may think I either have it, or I don't! How can I help it?
But you can.
*Have a strong male influence in their life.*
For me, I am so blessed, it's their dad. 
He's here. Everyday.
Yesterday when the Sheriff was having a the-whole-world-should-do-what-I-say-moment, my husband set him straight. HE told him to speak nicely to his mother.
I had back-up. 
You need back-up.
Okay, so you're a single mom {or dad}.
Find it somewhere else. 
Grandpa. Uncle. Friend.
Get yourself some back-up. 
Someone you respect.
Someone your child respects and loves and is loved by in return.

#4 In this house--we help.
Doing everything for those little people we love so much tends to make them feel entitled. Feeling entitled is kind of another word for--the world revolves around me!
So, make them help out.

So, that's it.
I am hoping, and like I said praying my eyeballs out that it will help. I love my children. I want them to be the best people they can be--the people I know they were meant to be. Which takes some effort on my part. 
But they're worth it. 

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