Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Writing... it's a dangerous job...

I know what you're thinking-- writing? dangerous? Is she crazy?--or just that much of a coward?
Or maybe you're thinking that I should stop trying to be Jim Gaffigan, speaking for my audience. 

But I'm not kidding. Writing is a risky business. And not just because you get paid like crap for all the work you put in. But because you completely put your soul out there. You wear your heart not just on your sleeve... but all over, you cover your entire body with that heart.

It's weird and hard handing someone something you've written and saying--here, read, judge me while you're at it!
It can be fun... and scary--and nerve racking--and crazy.

I'm getting published--I'm guessing you know that.
I am thrilled.
I've been hoping and trying for this since age 8.
I want this to happen.
And yet, it's still kind of scary asking someone to read what I've written. 
I even freak a little about texts messages now. I am getting published, if I write out a quick text and I spell a "your/you're" wrong, I am so embarrassed! After all, I know better!!--I'm getting published.
I have these ARC books coming out, I need people to read them. I asked on good ol' facebook for takers. I couldn't believe how many people responded (thank you!) and then I clammed up all scared! 
What will they think?
What will they say?
Will they think I am a total cheese head?
And yet, in truth, I need honesty! I want honesty. Honesty, the good and the bad is what makes me a better writer... so I can't ask myself those questions.

But when people like my sweet cousin Wayne and my friend Marc and my kind brother in law Rhett tell me they want to read my book--it kind of freaks me out! 
It's a total chick book and they are a bunch of boys, I can't help but think--What will they think of me once they open that book?

Or my smarty-pants friends who read everything they can get their hands on. What on earth will they think of my simple little novel?

Or when my sister tells me she loves it--does she really love it? Or does she love me?

Or when my friend Fara tells me--No, it's not too cheesy. Is it really not too cheese-ballish, or does the girl just love me?

Confession- I know it's ridiculous, but when someone tells me they just read Chapter One on my blog (or anything at all that I've written!!)--I go and I reread Chapter One (or whatever) for probably the gazillionth time,but I read it thinking about them reading it and what they might be thinking while they read it.
Can you say over-thinking it? Yeah. That's me.
Or maybe just crazy.

But it also feels amazing when someone reads and tells me they love it. Or they need more. It's kind of a high for my cheese-ball dorky brain. And I either sit down and read what they wrote, or I write! Or most of the time--both. It fuels my creativity and I zealously get to work.

So, thank you for reading. Thank you for wanting to read. And if you're still with me, thanks for reading this rambling blog post. It was a little all over the place. That's kind of how I am.

Still thanks. And here's a sneak peak at LIKE HOME's cover. :)

1 comment:

  1. I like you. And I like the way you write. And even though I am nowhere close to your talent with writing, when I used to have a blog I would do the exact same things! I'd obsess over a post, wondering if it was as funny and clever as it sounded in my head. Just remember that what you are writing comes from the heart, and when you love and are excited about something, chances are others will be too! Yay Jen!
