Monday, December 15, 2014

Last Thanksgiving

A little more than 5 years ago my mother had her Last Thanksgiving.
We didn't know it would be her last, though looking back now, maybe we should have.
Maybe my siblings did, maybe I was the only one naive enough to believe there would be another.

My momma taught me a lot over the years and that last Thanksgiving was no different.
We all filled out cards I had brought. Thankful cards. Everyone filled out a line or two expressing their thanks for family and food and homes and most of all mom/grandma!
But my mom sat in a chair unable to move too much due to the lymphoma that had invaded her little body and the radiation that reeked havoc inside and out. She hurt all over. Yet, she picked up a pen and filled out both sides of that card, every inch. She was going through the worst pain in her life, the greatest trial she'd ever faced and she didn't have enough space to express her thanks. 
And at the end of that card she wrote that she was the luckiest person in the world.

She went into the hospital the next day and never came out. Five years ago today my sweet little mother left this earth--the luckiest woman in the world.

She is the kind of person I want to be.
She radiates Christmas and the spirit of love and thankfulness to the greatest gift a loving Heavenly Father could give.
And I am so grateful I got to be her daughter.
Mom filling out her card. 
Love you forever mom.

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