Wednesday, December 3, 2014

For anyone who wonders if Mormons celebrate Christmas

My sweet sister lives in Oregon--> way too far away from me... but that's another story. 
Last month she called me and laughed and told me about this older woman in her knitting group who told her matter-of-factly that:
Mormon's aren't allowed to celebrate Christmas.
My sister told her-- My sister is a Mormon and she always celebrates Christmas. 
Again and again my sister assured her that members of The Church of Jesus Christ do honor Christmas.
Still, the woman wouldn't believe her.

Of all the misconceptions out there, this is the biggest--
that we don't celebrate Christmas
that we don't celebrate Christ.

Of course we do.
We are  The Church of JESUS CHRIST, after all.

We have programs and choir concerts and gifts and trees, we have lights and Santa and decorations galore--we have it all. 
But most of all, we try to remember the true gift of Christmas...
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son..."
John 3:16
The first Christmas GIFT. The real Christmas gift.
Believe me, we do celebrate. For many of us, like many of you, it's our very favorite time of the year.
There is nothing in the world like the Spirit of Christmas.

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