Friday, November 21, 2014

Tom Lussier--he's kind of a stud :)

About a month ago I received an option for my book cover from the marketing department. 
It was rejected by my publisher.
I will be nice and just say--

After that, I wanted to be helpful--which I'm allowed to be helpful--I just don't get the final say. I wrote the book, I know the book. 
But in all fairness I am not a professional book-cover-designer-person.
I recruited my friend Heidi to help me, since she is my Photoshop yoda. 
I thought if we could send an idea of what I was thinking of for the cover--then they could take it and make it better.

Well, Heidi found a photograph online by my new friend:
Tom Lussier
and it's PERFECT.
Well, I think it's perfect.

She made up a  mock cover and I sent it in. 
Everyone else really loved Tom's picture as well.
So, I emailed him.
Several emails later, I have a new pal and his amazing picture for my cover!
I knew we'd get along when he told me that he was jealous I lived in beautiful Wyoming. :)

Seriously though, the man has talent.
Incredible talent.

Like, my dad, my brother, my husband--they're all getting Tom Lussier's for Christmas kind of talent.

The other thing I love--just a down-to-earth, super nice guy!

You need to check him out!

I'm excited to see what marketing will come up with for this book cover now--so excited!

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