Monday, August 11, 2014

It's okay if you're standing alone, STAND anyway

This weekend I went outside with Little Miss and noticed how interesting our daisy plant looked. 
Maybe just interesting to me. :)
All the daisy's had died--not too uncommon. And then right in the middle of the bunch was a little guy standing all alone, still alive.

It felt so symbolic to me.
Standing alone, but still standing. 

Wrong will never be Right. 
Even when it's popular.
Even when others call it right.

Have you heard that song Brave by Sara Bareilles? 
It's kind of awesome.
"I wanna see you be brave."
That's what I want to teach my babies. 
Here's what's right.
Now be brave.
And stand.
Even if you're standing alone.
I love that little daisy. :)

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