Thursday, August 21, 2014

Proms gone Wrong--> Yep mine. It must be: more than you wanted to know about Jen day.

I'm not sure what it is about this blog that posses me to embarrass myself, but here ya go:
For some girls Prom is the high light of their High School years.
Most girls hope and wish to go to an oober dreamy prom.
Some don't care either way--> the smart ones.
Prom is dandy, don't get me wrong.
But I'm sort of partial to the group date, not so serious kind of Prom. Or the who cares we weren't asked, let's have a girls night, night.
I did go to Prom.
And neither were all that.
In fact one was even kind of scary.
Scary Gary.
That wasn't my Prom dates name, just something we say at this house.

Prom #1
The scariest thing about this Prom was me.
My dress.
My hair.
My nails.
I had this thing on my neck... I don't know what it's called, maybe a scary gary band. I don't know. But it wasn't pretty. Even for the 90's. And then my hair. I went to the salon and paid good money to have a scary gary hair-do. I hated it. Seriously. Hated. And the ladies at the Salon insisted that bright-red-not-Jen-at-all nails would be perfect. 
My date on the other hand- super nice friend of mine. We went with another couple...
So, it could have been great... had I gone as myself rather than scary gary girl.

Prom #2
This is the scary one.
Pretty much all of it.
And here we go:
1. I went with a boy who liked me, it was just the two of us, all day and all night--which made the day/night more awkward than friendly and fun.
2. Because my last prom dress was so blah. I had my talented mom make my dress. I didn't realize the pattern we picked had a large chunk cut out in the back. Let's add a little more awkwardness to this night. I was horribly self-conscience and feeling immodest most of the night. Especially when the skinny section at the top that latched the dress together came UNLATCHED. And he had a to clip it closed for me. Scary. Gary.
3. When my date went on and on and on and on and on about how stinking expensive corsages are.
Yes, those were all scary gary moments, but I think the best/worst was when:
4. My date picked up a hitch hiker who looked what I imagine a clothed cave man might look like.
Scary. Gary.
And then of course the picture. 

Here's the moral to my story. 
I think as lousy as prom(s) ended up being for me they also taught me a great lesson.
The importance of being yourself.
There were so many things about my Proms that were sooo not me. And I'm guessing they would have been way more fun with a few more friends and a whole lot more me.

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