Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Am I enough?

As I knelt to pray tonight I spoke of each of my children. I prayed for my boys, for their weaknesses to become strengths. 
For their goodness to never leave them.

I spoke of Little Miss and her development.

I prayed with my whole heart that I will be able to help them. To teach them. To be wise and consistent and right. 

I prayed I could be enough.

I have faith in God.
And He's the one who gave me these beautiful little people. 
So, surely he'll offer His help and has some faith in me... right?

Being a mother is the best job there is.
Which tells me my Heavenly Father loves me so much.--He gave me the job. :)
It's also the most nerve racking, crazy, scary, hair turning grey, exhausting process on the planet.
Which tells me He also has a sense of humor. :)
Oh! And that He believes I can do it.

We are His children, we're meant to succeed. 
Success without trial or challenge isn't much of a success I guess.
So, yes, I think parenthood isn't supposed to be all rainbows and cartwheels.
It's supposed to help us grow--to truly succeed. 

And through the hardest of times--it's where I want to be. 
It's good.

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