Saturday, July 26, 2014

4 reasons you'll be happier if you try harder to love your in-laws

I was looking up in-law quotes, I wanted a cute quote/picture to go with this post, but they were all awful and mean! Made me sad!

I pretty much have the greatest in-laws ever... so some of you are probably thinking-- sure it's easy for you to love your in-laws!
And ya, it pretty much is.
But I honestly believe that if it's difficult for you to love them and you try harder--you will be happier!
And here are 4 reasons why:

#1- You will have a better relationship with your spouse!! 
These are the people who raised the person you're madly in love with. If you are constantly hating on them it can't be good for you personal-nothing-to-do-with-anyone-else relationship with your honey.

#2- Family Tradition. Family History!
Your family traditions/history is now his and visa verse! Think of what you could learn and the fun times you could have. Besides, you aren't the only person in this relationship, maybe he/she would like to have some of their family traditions instilled in the family you're both creating!

#3- You'll BE an in-law one day!!
Karma people. 
Or whatever. 
I had a friend once who wanted daughters so badly, because she just knew that you only stayed close to the "girls" family. Hmm, that's ridiculous. And sad. And now she has 3 sons.
Love your mother-in-laws ladies, most likely they're pretty awesome. 
And you'll be one, one day!!

These people are your children's blood, their other half. Having a good relationship with them, means having a better relationship with your own babies.

So, I know there are always seriously crazy people out there... but for the most part, our in-laws are just different than us, than our families, than what we're used to and know. Instead of rejecting those differences we need to learn to love and embrace. 
It makes for happier hearts.
Happier families.
Happier YOU.

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