Friday, June 27, 2014

A Week in the Life...

Right after my mom died I had to look for things to do--to stay busy... if I wasn't busy, I was crying. 
Sometimes I was busy and crying, but still somehow the busyness helped. 
It's was the cleanest my house has EVER been!

Anyway, my friend Samantha told me about this:
 "A week in your life" idea. 
It was one of the ways I kept myself busy!
For one week you take pictures of your everyday life. Sometimes we take pictures of birthdays and Christmas and forget the everyday important stuff. 
I am not suggesting that for the rest of your life you take a gazillion pictures of dishes and laundry. 
That would be exhausting and let's face it--ridiculous.
But for one week--I AM. 
Because to journal about your everyday life and have a photo journal to back it up can be kind of amazing.
For your kids to be able to look back and remember that you drove them to soccer practice--EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. 
That you were the one helping them with homework or saying yes go build that blanket fort in my nice living room. 
Those every day things add up to a lot. 
And sometimes as parents--as people we forget that. And we forget how awesome we really are because of them. :)

So this is my challenge--
On FB, on your blog, through regular ol' school scrapbooking. 
But record it somewhere! 
You can take one picture a day or you can take ten. It's whatever you want. But the key is to keep it real. Don't go crazy with kid activities if that isn't what you normally do.
This is your life. Your real, everyday life.
And I'm hoping I'll get to see a few of your weeks!
Who's with me? :)

I'm going to start Sunday June 29, 2014. 

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