Monday, June 16, 2014

3 ways I disconnected that have me o so connected

Have you noticed we're like glued to our phones these days?
They tell us everything.

My phone's GPS gets me from here to there.
It tells me I have 87 junk emails.
That little rectangle beeps and I know someone has just "liked" my facebook post.
I have taken thousands (yes, thousands) of pictures with my phone.
I even blog with my phone--which I sort of love.

So, I'm not anti-phone.

I noticed a while back that every time that little device makes a noise, a jingle, a whistle, a raindrop, a chopstick
I have to.
It's like I can't not look...

Facebook alone would "chopstick" me dozens of times a day.
I kind of felt like my phone ruled my day. 
And blah... I don't want that.

So, here's what I did:
#1-- I turned OFF my Facebook beep.
I love seeing people's comments. LovE! But I don't really need to know that my second cousins dog walker also commented on their post. But it would beep and I would look. 
I found once I turned off the annoying noise, I could just use my little FB globe and see what I want to see of the newest happenings connected to me. 
AND I could do it once a day rather than 2 dozen.

#2-- I forgot my phone at home... not for an hour, but for the WEEKEND!!! We left town and partway through the trip I realized I didn't have my little contraption. 
Guess what? 
I made it.
All is well.
Yes, I had 25 texts and 7 missed calls.
But it was a little freeing not to have to look at a tiny screen for "connections" a gazillion times each day.

and #3-- I started making more calls.
We live in a world where you never...ever...ever have to open your mouth to communicate. 
And if I'm being honest, I often love it. 
I can send a quick text and ask my sister how my niece is.
I can send an email and ask my editor when my next chapters are coming--and it takes me 2 minutes!
we were meant to talk to each other.
I promise we were.
And I promise it's worth it.
I recently had an older friend lose her elderly mother.
I thought about texting her.
And then I called. 
I am so grateful I did. 
So much happens in an in the moment conversation that just cannot happen through text or email or IM. 
Call someone.

Believe me when I say I still have a phone in my pocket. 
I am just trying to "connect" a little better with those around me, with those I love. And that means "disconnecting" a few of my beeps and conveniences.

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