Thursday, June 5, 2014

Whoever said that little things don't matter was never married to a woman...

Or maybe they just didn't stay married. :/

We bought a car this week. Woo! Hoo! Exciting... 
Well, actually more stressful than exciting. 

If you have ever bought a car from a dealership you know that once your decision is made you have a 2+ hour stay for paperwork etc.
We were there for 3 hours.
Because of beautiful boy #1 the kids were thankfully at home in his care.
It was a long and annoying wait for adults so for children...
But while we were there I started to think about all of the little things my husband does for me. 
All of those little things that make a huge difference. Things that make me feel so loved and blessed!

Just in the 3 hours at the dealership he:
*changed seats with me because the sun had been right in my face
*inspected our new keys/remote and put the newest/prettiest one on my key chain for me
*stopped me and cleaned out what was left in the car himself
*right after he helped me sneak in a quick fhe--(which is a big thing for me and our family)

Just a few little things that can make a person feel so loved.
He isn't perfect--and I'm certainly not! Like any marriage we have our moments when we aren't as giving as we should be or as patient. 

But I am thankful for his love and for his example of little things. Because for me, at least, they make all difference.