Sunday, June 29, 2014

A Week in the Life Challenge!! {Sunday 6.29.14}

A week in my life.
That's what you're about to get.
Day by Day.
It's not exactly exciting. 
But it's mine.
And it's great. :)
Sorry for all of the "me" pics... but it's a week in MY life. :)

Our Sunday's are pretty easy going days. 
Good days.
1. I wore this dress to church. 9 am. I got up at 7:15. Everyone was ready by 8:35. We were out the door by 8:45.
A member of our Bishopric asked me to bear my testimony on Family Scripture Study during our 3rd hour meeting. We had a special meeting this week with everyone combined. 
So, I did. I was nervous. I fumbled it up. :/ My practice run went much better.
By 12:20 we were home.
2. I had some snuggle, rest time with my best girl--sadly my crappy selfie--she's cut out of this pic.
3. Personal scripture study :) I'm in 1 Nephi 3 in the Book of Mormon and Exodus 21 in the Bible. I've been using the Institute student manual to study the bible better. It rocks.
4. My baby boy (aka the Sheriff) and I did some reading. He read to me. :) He's got big plans for his FHE lesson--whenever that is! 
5. After reading, L was asking me about the old chore sticks we used to do. They'd draw a chore, do it, get points and then build up enough points to earn a reward. He asked if we could start that up again, so we organized it! They can't wait to start tomorrow.
The boys and I visited the neighbors.
I spoke on the phone with my sister Becca.
We had breakfast for dinner. Yum.
6. And then we played the game of LIFE. My 2nd (L) always wins. Guess what-- L won. Again.
Little Miss and I examined her rock collection (the girl is obsessed), blew bubbles and colored outside with chalk.
7. Bedtime. It's a happy time. We snuggle. We read. Normally 2 books, 5 tonight. She can be very insistent. :) Scriptures. Prayers. 
Good Stuff.
That's Sunday. 
How was your day?

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