Monday, June 30, 2014

A Week in the Life Challenge! {Monday 6.30.14}

2. Little Miss and I drove #1 and L to their BOCES class Tag Rugby.
3. And then I came home needing a little energy, so I picked a fabulous breakfast. :) Well, it was yummy.  

After getting ready for the day with a wide awake Little Miss laying in my bed watching Disney I emailed my Publisher. [I've also checked my email 4 times today for her response... because I am a super patient person :)]
5. Picking up our guys!

 6. With zero  milk and bread in the house, the store was a must! And since Costa Vida opened today, the hubby came with me, we left the kids with #1 and went to lunch! The hubby's Uncle and his wife were in line just ahead of us, so we made it a couples lunch!
I wish I had a few pictures of L cleaning like a mad man today. He is racking up the points to earn himself a couple rewards! :)
The Sheriff played the day away, only earning 5 points. He had a bit of a rougher afternoon. We had to snuggle and dry a few tears.

8. I worked on my Princess Camp class for a couple hours. 
9. Then made dinner. 
10. L taught us a Family Home Evening lesson on jealousy and the hubby brought in David and Bathsheba. Then we walked/biked to the park and played like crazy. They have these new chair spinners and I giggled like a little girl and made myself ill, but it was fun!

The hubby put Little Miss to bed. With the summer light, she gets to bed too late and then she ends up missing our scripture and family prayer. 

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