Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A week in the Life challenge! {Tuesday 7.1.14}

The big boys went off to Rugby again this morning. 
1. I got my hip hop abs on. :)
2. Then I taught my little Sheriff how to do his own laundry. The #1 rule--He is only allowed to do HIS laundry. 
3. Little Miss and I played outside. She doesn't care what time it is, or what we're wearing. It's time to play! And she loved getting me wet. Spraying mommy with the hose is hilarious.
4. These pants = laundry day.
5. Bath time!
I usually study my scriptures while Little Miss is playing in the tub. Today I read 1 Nephi 7-- where one of my favorite scriptures is! Verse 12: Yea and how is it that ye have forgotten that the Lord is able to do all things according to His will, for the children of men, if it so be that they exercise faithful in Him? Wherefore, let us be faithful to Him.

6. L came home with a little rugby wound. He got kicked in the face.
We watched our friend/neighbors 3 kids. My oldest is a baby hog. :)
7. L and I played with "cartoon" on my phone photo settings.
8. We watched USA play against Belgium in the World Cup. Tim Howard is a super hero! An amazing and record setting- 16 saves! Sadly we lost in extra time 2-1.
9. I planned my lessons for work for tomorrow and Thursday.

14. Blogging. Family blog, not author blog. :)
Scriptures. Prayers.
Stories with my girl.

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