Saturday, April 26, 2014

THE talk

Yep, I'm talking about sex.

We did not talk about such things when I grew up. When I was a sophomore in High School Mom and I were watching Opera. The subject was about talking to your kids about sex. After the show Mom looked at me and said, "Jen, do we need to--" Ya, I quickly interrupted her with a horrified, "No!!"
I had quite possibly the sweetest mother on the planet. She was sweet and modest and a bit embarrassed and allowed the subject to be dropped. 

It isn't always a natural, easy feeling process to talk to your child about sex. 
But it's important.
I think it's become more important over the years too.
Sex is such a relaxed subject for people these days.
The thought of abstinence is absurd to most of the world.
Whereas when I grew up, I knew my mom's stand, even without THE talk.

So, knowing from personal experience that 16 is 
too late to start having THE talk and wanting to have open communication with my kids about these things I knew we needed to start early.
We started with #1 at age 11. I have friends who have started earlier and have had success too. 11 was when I felt comfortable and when I could persuade my husband to join us. :)

I needed help though. I needed direction. I looked at my sweet innocent son and thought how can I start this?? 
I wanted him to know it wasn't bad or dirty, but also the importance of right place, right time.
I found this book:

I seriously LOVE this book. 
It does not tred lightly. 
It spells it out for them.
And yet it does it in a really tactful and awesome way.
My husband and I took every other chapter. We'd go into his room at night and read AND discuss it with him. We wanted to allow him to ask questions. 
And believe me they will ask questions!
#1 is a bit more on the shyer side when it came to this subject. He didn't ask too much. Just a few and thankfully (for me) he didn't ask about mom and dad.
But L (#2) he's going to have dozens... I just know it. And the talk with L begins soon... (so this post is really my warm up!)

Talking about this with friends and family they've heard things from their children like:

"You're telling me you and dad have done that THREE times??"
(Yes, they had 3 kids at the time)
"How soon after I get married do I have to do this??"

I love sweet children! I am so thankful for their beauty and their innocence. And how wonderful is it we can talk to our kids about sex, teach them, love them, grow closer to them and set them on the right track right away!

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