Thursday, May 8, 2014

Top Ten Countdown: Joys of Motherhood

10. If you don't like your name, well you're in luck. You're about to get several new ones.
"Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom!"
"Mrs.--I mean Mom."

9. Everything in your closet suddenly matches. Because Poo stains always match Puke stains! 
Woo! Woo!

8. No more annoying alarm clocks. No worries, those littles will make sure you're up!

7. Plastic surgery! Bah! Don't waste your money. New baby = New bra size. 

6. Remember when records used to skip and repeat things over and over again. {okay you probably don't} Well, it was kind of funny. You may not have a record player, but that doesn't matter, because you'll hear yourself say things like: 
"Don't. Don't. Don't!!"
"Stop it. Stop it. Stop it!!"
Broken record's are back!

5. You will gain New Skills!
Functioning on zero sleep.
Cooking, reading, walking all while nursing!

4. Conversations will be never the same again!
Anything goes!
Personal Smersonal.
You'll discuss things, events, parts of your body, you never thought you would!

3. Minivans have tons more room than Sports Cars.

2. Chocolate tastes better.
I swear it does. And it makes things all better too.
Plus you get much more for your $$ after you've had a baby.
More butt, more hips, more belly. 
More. More. More.

1. You'll never just stand still again. Whether there is a baby in your arms or not, from not on you'll sway.

Hmmm... that was my attempt at comedy.
There's probably a reason I don't do stand up. Haha.
Jim does it better than me:

Motherhood totally turns your life upside down. 
It's just the truth.
But there is no craziness (or non-craziness) better on this earth! It is the hardest and the best job in the world. 
It's a blessed job.
It's a divine job.

It's when you realize how much your capable of loving, because until you have a baby, you honestly don't know.

I could not be more thankful for my 4 little ones. 
They make me a better person every single day.
They fill my heart and my arms with the best love there is.

Happy Mother's Day!

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