Wednesday, April 16, 2014

3 Easy Ways to Improve Your Marriage

First of all let me say there are a hundred ways to improve your marriage... I don't know anyone who wants to read through that list though...
So, here are 3. Just 3. Three that I honestly and truly believe in!
1. Pick Your Battles
2. Say, "I love you"
3. Celebrate

1. Pick your battles
Have you ever heard the story of the husband, his wife and his grapefruit?
I am totally paraphrasing here:
A woman watched her husband, sitting at the kitchen table one morning, eating his grapefruit. She'd watched him eat grapefruit for ten years. He peeled it and slurped each section, smacking his lips as he did so. She finally decided she couldn't live with it anymore. He needed to change his horrid grapefruit eating habits or else! She decided to be kind, and so she made a proposal. "Honey," she said that morning. "Why don't we each tell each other one thing that we don't like about the other. Then we can change, improve. It'll be helpful exercise." He agreed and she let him have it. She told him just how awful his grapefruit manners were and then sighed with relief, to finally have it all off her chest. And then she waited for his turn. She could take it, he could tell her what he didn't like and she'd be just fine. She was so big a person, she'd even try to change for him. But then he said, "I can't think of anything, my dear."
"Nothing?" she asked. 
"Nothing," he said. "I can't think of anything I'd want you to change."
In the end, she didn't feel better, she didn't have a chance to be that "big" person. Instead she felt very foolish for making SO much out of a grapefruit.
None of us are perfect. Why battle over those little things?

2. Say, "I love you"
Did you know there are some people who don't?? 
To me, the concept is crazy. But there are plenty of people who don't utter the words. Some of them even use the excuse, they mean too much. When I say it, it means something.
I've got news for you... it means something every single time you say it. Even if it's a dozen times in one day.
Say it.
Mean it.
It makes a difference!

3. Celebrate.
Valentines Day
Celebrate them!
Don't go into debt. 
Celebrating doesn't mean gifts or trips or major $$ spending. It means you mark the day, you spend it together. You celebrate each other and your relationship.

Now, come on? How easy is that? :)