Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Yes, Bwahh is the title of this post.
See, I am getting head shots for the back of the book taken this week.
I don't know what that means... it's just sort of a sound my throat seems to make whenever I think about it.
See, I am normally the one behind the camera. Christmas. Birthdays. Family get togethers... I take the pictures... I am in very VERY few of them.
And when I am, I sort of get this frozen grin and through gritted teeth I chant, "take it, take it, take it".
So, a "Jen" photo shoot just sounds a little scary awful puky complicated.
My girlfriend/photographer friend is taking them... so it should be fairly painless, right??
It'll be more painful for her--probably. I can't imagine I'll be the best subject.
I just need to channel my inner 5 year old... I was a great photo subject at 5. At least that's what my dad tells me.
Because I'm pretty sure this selfie:
Isn't going to cut it.

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