Monday, February 17, 2014

It's not having what you want

It's wanting what you've got.
-Sheryl Crow
We've been finishing L's room. The in-laws came with tools in hand and we suddenly had walls where once was openness and wood.
They're kind of awesome. :)
 We've been painting. And it's super exciting, especially for L and The Sheriff who currently share a room. 
I went to get something form our little tool room and there at the back is this dresser that was mine when I was a baby. It was all white when I used it. 
When the hubby and I had #1 we were pretty young and still newlyweds, only having been married a year and a half. We were in college and didn't have a lot. We lived in a two room cement barrick. Livingroom/Kitchen and Bed/Bath. So #1 didn't have anything close to his own room. He had a corner--and we loved that little corner. We were pretty poor and so my parents offered us my old dresser. It would work perfect for our small space. When they brought it in, I remember so clearly how thrilled I felt. They had painted it--shinned it all up and it was really adorable. 
This is the only picture I have of the corner and the dresser.

(A few years later we painted over the blue and red to match L's nursery).
I sort of miss the blue and red of my parent's paint job.
I am probably too sentimental, but their effort meant a lot and it warmed my heart every time I saw it.
When I think about that little dresser I can't help but think about my mother. I think of that dresser and I can feel her arms around me, hugging me like no one else could.
I know, it's just a dresser.
But to me, it's a pretty fantastic memory.
And it's the notion that having more never made any person happier.
Want what you've got!--that is if you wanna be happy. :)

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