Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Reading @ 14 + Trust = A semi-sane Momma

I have a 14 year old... I know, hard to believe since I feel like I, myself am 14 half the time. But I do. 
He's kind of awesome.
I was thinking about his mad smarts the other day. The kid is bright... and I'm not just biased. You can ask his teachers. :) 
He registered for high school last week and he is already signed up for some pretty intense classes. Things that I never drempt of taking.
He is also a major reader. Something I was not as his age. I should have been, but I preferred writing to reading. Now I love both. To be a good writer you have  to read.
Even though I am a lover of a good book (now), he will read 6 fat novels before I'm done with one! It's makes it hard sometimes... I can't keep up with him and he's reading things... well, that I am reading!
I just finished Divergent. Loved it by the way. --Though it was really violent. He finished it months ago. I wondered if I would have let him read it--had I read it first! I still don't know.
But here is what I do know. I am not going to be able to keep up with him. 
So, I've taught him good values, I've given him good standards, he knows what our expectations are. And now I have to trust him. It's hard. Really hard. But it's important. 
And it's what I have to do.
I don't want him to stop reading and I can't suddenly stop being a part time working mom and wife with obligations and responsibilities that extend past homework
So, I trust him.
And I ask him a lot of questions. 
He loves to tell me what he's reading about and I let him. Even when sometimes I think my brain is going into overload and may fall out of my head. Then, at least I sort of know what he's filling his mind with. 

And now, because I apparently like embarrassing  myself, here is a picture of me at 14. 
Gotta love my ginormous bangs and bush-man eyebrows.

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