Friday, February 7, 2014

A rough draft of the BACK OF THE BOOK

I'm not sure why writing it out seems so much better than talking it out...
Yesterday I had a friend of mine ask me what my book was about.
Back up one minute... 
When I went to my writer's conference last April I had the chance to pitch my book to publishers, it's actually where I met my publisher, I didn't pitch to her, but we did meet and... well, that's a different story. Anyhoo--I got to pitch my book to these people. And it pretty much scared the pants off of me.
In fact the first class I attended allowed us to pitch to one another for practice and while doing so I broke the pen I was fumbling between my fingers. Yeah, it was a tad ridiculous, but I was nervous.
So, back to my friend. She asked what the book was about and I started to tell her, but it wasn't a very clear, clean tell. I was certainly rusty on my ol' elevator speech. ...I need to work on that!
For some reason, it just seems so much easier to write it out. Actually talking gets me all jumbled and my confidence seems to diminish.
Well, this won't be exact, but the back of the book will read something like this:
Natalie Noel is living in the same Wyoming town where she grew up, but she isn’t home. How can she be, when she’s the reason her son doesn’t have a father? Natalie’s content to stay in her hole of self-pity when Marcela Brookes moves into town, offering something she hasn’t had in a long time—friendship. The pretty girl should be easy for Natalie to ignore, except she’d make the perfect match for Natalie’s single, little brother.
Natalie voluntarily steps into an unheard of role for herself—match-maker. This new found friendship with Marcela isn’t just about her brother though and it has her stepping out of her comfort zone like crazy. That, plus all the unwanted attention she’s getting from a certain fireman may push her over the edge.
Natalie’s new friend has her talking about opening her heart up to love again, but Marcela isn’t being completely honest with her. When Marcela falls for Natalie’s brother, her secrets begin to unravel. Natalie’s new confidant has lied to her and those lies could come back to hurt them all. Will Natalie ever trust her friend—or her heart again?

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