Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Sometimes I'm a good mom.... Sometimes I'm a better mom

An honest, hard working, long-loving momma should never be called a
bad mom.
Sure, we all have our not so pretty moments. But the mom that is trying her hardest to keep her sanity, to teach her kids, to keep her home in some type of order...
the mom that loves those littles even with the stains on her shoulder and carpet...
the mom that checks to make sure those babies are breathing before she finally falls into bed...
the mom who's minivan turns into a taxi, who's shirt doubles a burp clothe, who's fingers transfer into tissues {if they have to!}, who's tunes become "The Wheels on the Bus"...
The mom who never ever runs out of hugs...
Nope, that lady can't be called a bad mom.
Even on her worst days.
Now, for your reading enjoyment, one of my "good" mom moments, not one of my "better" mom moments. :)
My sweet sweet #1 is in Junior High. I take him to school about 7:25 a.m. and then I hurry home to get my other 2 boys out the door for grade school. Well #1 is a sweetheart and he honest-to-goodness says goodbye to me 3 times before he goes into the school. 1-Picks up his back pack from car floor and says, "Bye Mom, 2- Opens the door, still seated and says, "See you later, Mom" 3- Get's out, shuts door, Waves.
One day I was in a huge hurry and there was actually a clear road ahead, sometimes that junior high is a traffic jam!!
#1 said his first goodbye, "Bye Mom."
I said, "Bye, honey."
He opened the door, still seated and said, "See you later, Mom"
I said very nicely, "Get out, bud."
Yes... I know, not my best mom moment, but we can't be the "better mom" all the time. All we can do is try.
Being a Mom may be the hardest job in the world, but is certainly isn't a thankless job. Tiny arms wrapped around my neck, a little hand in mine, a "Thanks Mom.", even 3 goodbyes are the best rewards, ever.

1 comment:

  1. A great moment because you are a mom who is aware.... how many wouldn't even have thought twice about it!?!?! If this is one of your good mom moments.... your doing pretty awesome!
