Thursday, November 5, 2015

Dear Ellen

Yes I am a nerd...
 I think I just watched one too many Ellen videos the last couple days. That's my only excuse... But yeah, I wrote Ellen a letter. She is so kind. I took a few things that have tried to consume my brain and sent them to Ellen in an email... and not even from my own point of view.
Call me a nerd.
It's okay.

Dear Ellen,                                                                                                   

            Please tell my mom to chill out.
            I’m amazing.
            I’m healthy.
            I’m happy—usually. Sometimes I have to yell and cry to get what I want.
            I’m smart—super smart. And I’m only four and a half.

            I love to dance and play soccer and sing. I’m great at Candy Land and making people happy. My pink cowboy boots are just about my favorite thing in the whole wide world. I love to work hard and be helpful. Helping my mom bake cookies is another one of my favorites. I’m not afraid of the Wyoming wind or getting my hands cold in the snow. And I give the very best hugs.

            I also have Apraxia, a neurological disorder that prevents me from speaking. There is no cure. It is managed with intense therapy that trains the mouth, tongue and jaw to speak.

            I have speech four times a week and I can now say around twenty words!! Next year I start Kindergarten. It’s going to be great, and hopefully my mom won’t miss me too much or spend all her days crying with worry.

            Take care. Keep being awesome. We love to watch the wonderful things you do.

Little Miss
(With a little help from her Momma, Jen Atkinson)

I would love for the world to have a better understanding of non-verbal kids. Having Sydney has changed our lives. Knowing that she understands and the words are in her head, but they can’t come out has changed how we speak and act to her and all children. You never know when a child has a disability. It’s possible they aren’t being rude or disrespectful, but that they are unable to do something or say something.
Love & kindness world. Please.

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