Thursday, August 20, 2015

10,000!!! {GIVEAWAY}

10,000 of you, 
10 thousand!
(or maybe 1 of you 10,000 times... or 7 of you 1,428.5 times)
Anyway... I have 10,000 views on this website! 
That's the number I'm up to! --Thanks to you! 
So Thank you!!
Because some wonderfully unknown number of you have come back so many times to read the things I write, I wanted to say thanks with a giveaway. :)
Win a FREE copy of my book:

Here's what you need to do:
1. "Like" or already have "liked" my author Facebook page.
Share this post on your Facebook page.

I'll randomly draw for a winner on August 24... because that's my hubby's birthday and seems like a great day to give a book away!

Thanks again and good luck! 

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