Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Hoping it's more than just me and Dad there...

I am super excited to go back to my hometown to share my book! 

{Little secret... Elton Town is based off of Evanston}. I was born and raised there and I'm really grateful to have grown up in such a great place with such wonderful people around me. 

My mom-in-law offered to let me use her and my dad-in-laws store, Rip's, for a signing. {My favorite is the fountain club soda and the onion rings!! YUM.} 
And then the Library in Evanston called me up and asked me to come speak--and I really am hoping someone other than my sweet dad is there to listen to me! :) 

So... here's where I'll be this weekend:
And it would kind of be awesome if my Evanston peeps could help me out and share the news. XOXO

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