Friday, July 3, 2015

Apraxia the Thief

I had a very long, thought out post planned. This title came to me a little over a week ago when my darling daughter was trying so very hard to happily tell us something. We never got what it was she was saying. And in the end she wasn't happy anymore.

I was teary.
I was sad.
I was angry.
And I griped to myself, "Apraxia is such a thief."

Then we went on Vacation and everything--blog posts, writing, housework--it all went on blessed hold! :)

We came home and I still had plans for my ranting blog post. 
And then we went to speech.

Little Miss worked so hard.
She produced a "T" sound and a "P" sound which to most of us--most 4 year olds even, is nothing, but it was big for her--for us. Serious celebration!

And it made me rethink. I wondered: What do thieves give? What has this specific thief given us?
*It's given us reason for even more one on one time together.
*It's given me (us) pride as I watch my little daughter work and try so hard to speak.
*It's united my family in prayer. All of us have prayed specifically for our girl and her strength to conquer this.
*It's made me so thankful for all that she can do. The girl is smart and kind and loving and I wouldn't trade that for anything! And it makes all those good things shine even brighter.
*It's made me thankful for people and places that offer services to help my daughter and my family.
*It's made me more aware of how much God loves His children. How he refines us and molds us into the people we want to be and He wants us to be. 

I know there are more--I have no doubt there is more to be grateful for.
Yes, Apraxia is a thief. Yes, I cry sometimes because I want to know her funny and precious little thoughts and ideas. Yes, it's hard--for her more than anyone. But it doesn't define her. It isn't all we're left with.

Thieves take away--but they can't steal it all. They can't have her spirit. They can't take her light.

And in the end she will speak. And she--we all, will have gained so much more because of this. 

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