Tuesday, May 26, 2015

It's not as lonely as you think... :)

When you think about writing a book... you think about someone sitting at their lap top, pounding away on the keys... which by the way totally happens.
{Things like "Mommy help me get my pants on" also happens--right when you're in the groove too. And then you find yourself saying things like: "Can't you go without pants today??"}

But--publishing a book is not a by yourself process--at all! There are so many people who help make that happen. And then after it happens... there are so many people who help it to be successful. 

I am so grateful for those people.
Six months ago... or more I wrote and gave to my publisher an acknowledgements page to go in the book. {Yay!}
But the last few weeks... I keep thinking of people who have helped me recently or people I mistakenly left out.
And I can't let that go without at least a THANKS here!
{Even though I'm sure I'll forget someone again...}

Thank you to:
My invaluable ARC people. You read, you edited, you sent in your reviews (even though all those reviews weren't used on the book). And I am so thankful for your time and effort!
Thank you-- Mary, Heidi, Fara, Amy, Cindy Jo, and thank you to my other ARC's whose busy lives didn't allow them to finish, but they took on the task anyway! -You know who you are and I love you too. :) 

Thank you Marc Hammond and the UPS store! You have been amazing and you've made all my extras so much better! Thank you also for your excitement and support and friendship! I'm really so grateful.

Thank you to Penny & Jay at Cowboy Donuts. You weren't just willing to have my launch there, you were excited--and made it so much more fun. You have been dear friends for years and I'm so thankful for your constant love and support.

Thank you to my sweet friend Danielle with Danielle Rainey Photography. You put up with me as I squirmed and asked a hundred times--does this look weird? (I'm not the biggest fan of getting my picture taken!) But you made it comfortable and you took pictures that made it difficult to decide which to use--I loved them so much. You are one talented girl and I'm pretty sure there was some divine intervention setting us up! :)

Thank you to Kim for being the first person to buy my book!!! Yay! I love that I know who it was and that it's someone I love dearly. Also, thank you for dressing up like a one of my book characters. That was just awesome!! :)

Thank you Emily for offering to do my hair and makeup the day of the launch. Such a sweet gift that gave me confidence on that special/scary day. Also, I really would like to just walk next door and have you fix me up every single morning! 

Fara, Becky, Heidi--thank you a million times for all your help with the launch. You 3 really just need to call yourselves the worst paid managers on the planet. Fara, I wouldn't even have had a launch had you not brought it up and got the ball rolling. Becky, I love the T-shirts! And you and Heidi handled the purchasing/organizing like pros.

And a HUGE thank you to everyone who came to the launch. I was so concerned we'd just be sitting there with a gazillion books and nothing to do. And I couldn't have been more wrong. The love and support was overwhelming--all for a little book and me. Thank you! It means so much.


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