Thursday, October 2, 2014

Why don't members of the LDS church display crosses?

When I was a teenager I had a testimony of the Gospel, but I was definitely learning—line upon line. {Uhh—I still am!!} One day in these teen years of mine, my brother in law asked me why we didn’t “like” crosses. I had a testimony of the way the church handled crosses—but it was solely on my faith.
 Yes, we know Christ died on the cross—we would never deny that saving grace. Still, I didn’t have a great answer for him.

I gave him someone else’s answer. It wasn’t a bad one, but it wasn’t mine. I mumbled something about—if someone you loved was in a car accident, would you wear a car around your neck? He wasn’t impressed. He was much older and more experienced than me and he squashed my teenage answer like a bug.

But I can honestly say I am so grateful for that experience. I knew the next time someone asked me that question I wanted a good answer. I still had faith in the Church’s stance, but like all things, I needed to figure out why it is that way for myself.

So, I continued to study my scriptures—like I had been. I continued to pray—like always. But this time I did those things, while pondering this question in my heart.

And I got my answer.

We, as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, know that Christ died for us. It was, and is, and always will be the greatest gift given to the world—to all of the world. It was the most unselfish, loving act from the only perfect being there will ever be. Nothing will ever compare.

I am so grateful for Him, my Savior. I love Him. I worship Him. I thank Him on a daily basis. 

But I cannot find joy or comfort or peace in the TOOL they used to kill him. 

I know he gave His life willingly. He loves us that much. And I find so much peace and joy and love in HIM. 

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