Thursday, March 6, 2014

Conversations in my Head

Does anyone else do this??
--Have a whole conversation inside your mind?
I do.
Maybe it's because I'm crazy.
(that could totally be the case...)
Or is it because I write women's fiction?
I am constantly thinking about what people would say. How they would react to certain situations. How I would react to certain situations. Or what would happen if they responded in the complete opposite?
Women tend to worry more about reactions then men...
At least I think we do. 
It's a little loco.
When I am anxious about something in my life, I will play out the scenario and what happens a dozen times in my head. 
Honestly it's exhausting. But I can't seem to stop it.

1 comment:

  1. I have conversations in my head ALL THE the point that sometimes my facial expressions are responding to my in head conversations and my children ask why I look that way...I don't think that any one of those conversations have played out in real life like they went in my head, so I think it's best to keep practicing!
