I am not a runner. Or a jogger. Or a walker really.
mostly a runner.
I hate it. I loathe it. I think I’d rather eat a chocolate
covered ants then run… hey there’s chocolate involved at least.
Well, I ran the other night. Not far. Not long. I’m not a runner.
(Have I mentioned that?)
But I do want to be healthy and fit. Since having my 4th
child and hitting 35 this task has become a whole lot more difficult.
Whoo—that’s me, still out of breath from running my short, unimpressive
So, what do you do? Seriously, how do you do it? What’s your
favorite exercise and what on earth motivates you to do it.
… hmmm, maybe if my husband ran in front of me dangling
chocolate over my head I’d run to catch it and not think twice…
Haha! I'm so not a runner either!