Thursday, September 3, 2015

I Chose Him

Sixteen years ago my life changed forever...

I had a lot of things I wanted to do. A lot of ambitions--like anyone, that I wanted to fulfill. 

I wanted to graduate from college.
I wanted to teach.
I wanted to travel. 
I wanted to write.
I wanted to get published asap.
I wanted to get married.
And I wanted to have a family.

With a dozen or so other desires mixed in there. :)

The hubby and I got married. We were both studying education. He would be done before me, because of my double major, 5 year program, Special Education + Elementary Education.
Then about 7 months into our wedded bliss we had a surprise, we were expecting. 
I had three years of schooling down, but two to go to get my degree. 
I was 21, a little nervous, and some would say naively excited about having a baby.

I knew it would change everything. But thankfully I've never been too afraid of change.

I was due September 2, 1999. My Senior year began just days before my due date. 
And I knew then, in that bathroom, looking at that little positive sign, that I would not be making it to my Senior year of college. Not then anyway.
With just a small heart beat in my ears, I knew I wouldn't be leaving his side.

So many good things. So many things I could do, I wanted to do.
But in the end my heart could not take another path.
I chose him.
And thankfully I was in a position where I could. 
It doesn't always work out so nicely, but my circumstances, my husband's hard work--they allowed me to be home with him. And I will be forever grateful.

My thoughts this morning--on #1's birthday, there are so many wonderful opportunities in this world. So many good things I wanted and still want desperately to do, to be a part of, but none of them compare to my children.
They are the best adventure ever.
And my other goals are still there--sure maybe years later than I'd planned or hoped for, but they're still there. 
My little people won't be there forever. Children turn into adults. And they do it way too fast.