Friday, April 17, 2015

Blessings of the Brace

Not that long ago, in fact exactly one month ago today, I wrote a post about my son, #1 and his back. 
I was a little more than stressed/worried/sick about his situation and the huge brace he has to wear.
And so many of you gave your love and support and prayers.
Thank you.
That's why I wanted to share the blessings that have come from the darn thing.
The obvious blessing:
It's working.
Then                   Now
He won't ever have a straight back, but this treatment is helping. In the short amount of time he's had the brace he has been diligent in getting 17-18 hours in--even when he really didn't want to. And he's gone from his spine being 34 degrees off to 24 degrees off.
Such a blessing! 
We go back in 6 months and I am already ready for good news. :)

 But that hasn't been the only blessing.
We've had multiple prayers in our behalf. We've really felt the love of those around us and those far away.

Our hearts have also softened. 
As parents I think it's easy to let our voices raise or get impatient or stressed from the day to day challenges. 
And somehow, with this brace we've softened our voices, we've given more patience, we've let go of day to day disturbances--they haven't felt as important or intrusive.
Because nothing is more important that our child and his health--body and spirit.

My faith in my son's strength and abilities and endurance has been strengthened.  
As well as my faith in God's mercy. 

But it's only been 4 weeks.
I'm sure I have a whole lot more to learn.

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