Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Brace Yourself

I have gone back and forth about writing this post.
Is it too much to share?
Is it mine to share?
I sort of want to swear whenever I think about it---and I don't normally curse.... so maybe that's a sign...
I don't know.

My son (#1) has scoliosis.
It's not the end of the world. It's not life threatening. 
But it's not fun. Or easy.
He needs a brace.
Yesterday we picked up the brace. It has to fit very snugly. The highest peak of the brace comes up under his left arm pit, so high in fact that he has to keep his shoulder raised a bit. The most bottom part hits mid-butt.
He has to wear it everyday. 16-18 hours a day.
It's uncomfortable.
He didn't have it on long before it was painful, squeezing his insides. He'll get used to it--hopefully.
He'd had it on for an hour, sitting awkwardly, he said in a not-so-happy voice, but if you know #1, not a complaining voice either, "Mom, I have to wear this for a year, right?"
My voice kind of caught in my throat. 
I didn't want to say it. 
He has to wear it until he is done growing.
He's 15. 
He could be in this (here's where I'd really like to swear) brace for who knows how many years.
He'll have it at school.
Can you imagine? How fun and non-brutal is high school anyway?? and then let's add a body brace that doesn't let you move or sit in a natural way at all.

So, here's where I pray.
Because prayer changes things.
And here's when I am so thankful for the power of prayer.
Most likely he won't miraculously and suddenly stop needing his brace. But I know God will help him endure it. I know He will give him strength and courage. 
And I honestly believe in the end, my son will be a better man for this. 
Our trials teach us so much. They mold and strengthen us. They give us compassion and gratitude. 
And I want him to have all of those things.

So, in the mean time. I'm going to do my best not to swear, pray a lot and continue to tell my boy how extremely amazing he is.

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