Saturday, November 1, 2014

Happenings at Bedtime

The routine of bedtime.
I am a big believer  in it!
And we have a good one, we have since #1 was little, 15 not-so-long years ago. 
We read our scriptures as a family. We say prayers as a family. Then it's story-time in their bedrooms, hugs, kisses, when their little- a song, then lights out.
But we have other routines as well--ones that the hubby and I did not come up with or implement. 
It never fails, it's bedtime, we've read, we've prayed and suddenly:

L has some kind of aliment.
His head hurts.
His stomach hurts.
He's got something on his toe that just doesn't feel right... 

Little Miss gets her stories, her songs, her kisses and then just as I get to her door she signs milk.
The girl needs a drink. 
And occasionally a cracker.
O goodness.

Again, we've said prayers, we've read... our big boys hug and kiss goodnight-- they get to read in their room quietly for a bit. 
#1 along with everyone else hugs and kisses goodnight. 
He goes to his room and reads.
Then he comes up for the bathroom.
Another goodnight.
Then he goes back down. 
He reads some more.
Then he comes up to say: Okay, I'm going to bed now, goodnight.
3 goodnights--every night.

And the Sheriff. 
Well, he doesn't really have a "thing". 
Once he's in bed, he is {usually} there to stay.
And he doesn't complain about going.
In fact he's the one {being the Sheriff}and saying come on people, let's get those prayers said so I can get to bed. 

It's just bedtime.
And I love it.
It's family time.
And it's mom and dad have a few minutes to themselves time.
We need that.
My kids need us to have that.

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