Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Publicity Package... and other crazy things

I am still months away from launching my first novel. 
But I am currently working on a publicity package.
When my publisher emailed me about this, I said to myself:
Yep, nothing. Silence. 
And then I said,
What exactly is a publicity package?
I called her.
She told me.
They set up a press release and basically I have to be prepared to talk, tell and show the book!--and myself.
So, I am coming up with:
- bullet points for the entire book
- Q&A's
-Reviews... are any of you known for reading, writing, reviewing, teaching?? They send the book out to others to read and review, but for the publicity package I need to find a couple.
-Book Blurb different from back of book blurb
And then there's a load of stuff that they do without me.
It's just so new and crazy and new.
And crazy.
And happy.

She also asked for my cover ideas--with the knowledge that marketing may not use one of my ideas. And then again they might. So, here's my idea:
but I know I'm not a artist and this is what their skills are paid to do! So I am having faith that they'll do good. :)

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