Friday, May 30, 2014

When your child doesn't speak

You hear a lot of this:

*One day she'll just bust out full sentences.
*She doesn't need to talk, everyone else talks for her.
*One day you'll wish she'd stop talking!
*She's smart, she can get what she wants without talking.

Now let me preface this with-- none of this offends me. Kind people, just trying to make us feel better that our 3 year old has the vocabulary of a 12-18 month old.

But most of the time I feel like those excuses are sort of... well,
I am writing this post with a heavy heart, as I sit here not exactly knowing what to do for my little daughter who is currently throwing one of her mother-load tantrums--
all because I have no idea what she wants.

It's a regular occurrence.
The girl is 3. They have tantrums. It get it. It's normal.
But we have regular ol' tantrums.
And then we have--> 
They're different.
She cries.
I cry.
It's incredibly frustrating.
She's been in speech for over a year. She's had her hearing checked twice. We don't know what the problem is--and that's frustrating too.

Okay, so here is the happy part of my post.
So, Little Miss doesn't say much.

She is healthy
She is happy.
She gives quite possibly the best hugs on the planet... 
and then enjoys forcing other to hug and kiss. :)
She IS smart!
She is loving.
She loves to read.
She has the best dance moves... ever!
She is my favorite little lady in the world.

And she will talk one day.

For now we'll do our signs and our few little words. 
And we'll keep going and keep trying.
Because heaven knows there are worse problems than this!
And as whiny as this post has been, I am grateful for my own trials and blessings and I wouldn't trade them with anyone.

{And if you said one of the above quotes to me (or all of them--> {Dad}:)) please don't stress. You're probably right. It's just hard to remember that on rougher days. Thanks for loving us!}

1 comment:

  1. No trail is a small trial when you are smack in the middle, up to your tired, sad, frustrated eyeballs. xoxo You are an amazing person and I bet the best Mommy EVER!!!
