Wednesday, May 21, 2014

being the best YOU is soooooo much better than being a mediocre version of somebody else...

Does anyone else remember the first "total makeover" show? Or... one of the first. It was crazy and kind of cruel. It didn't last long. It wasn't about losing weight and getting someone into shape. It wasn't about taking a skill and learning and perfecting. 
Being a better you.
It was about losing yourself completely.
Really homely looking women would have so much plastic surgery (I cannot even imagine the pain) until they were pretty... as well as COMPLETELY unrecognizable to anyone who knew them.
Nothing about them was the same, not even their teeth, well maybe their height.

I think that's why it didn't last long. I think those women missed seeing their old selves, even if they considered themselves ugly. They didn't even recognize themselves. And that's weird... and sad.

Every single person has beauty.
Inside and outside.
It's fact.
I don't lie. 
Ask my husband... I suck at it.

It's what we do with what we've got that matters. Learning new skills, trying out new things, practicing and perfecting the goods we've got--all helps that inner and outer beauty.
Trying to act like the girl down the street who seems to have it all never worked for anyone.
Even if you somewhat succeed, can you really be happy being a mediocre version of somebody else?

Growing up this was one of my favorite stories-->

All my life I didn't want to be me. I wanted to be like Harriet Wimpleton. So I walked like Harriet Wimpleton and I talked like Harriet Wimpleton. And then one day I noticed a strange thing, Harriet Wimpleton wanted to be like Connie Saverson. She walked like Connie Saverson, she talked like Connie Saverson. And Connie Saverson was walking and talking like Donna Heberson. And so here I was walking and talking like Harriet Wimpleton's version of Connie Saverson acting like Donna Heberson, and guess who Donna Heberson was imitating, that pesky kid Wanda Droolson who walks and talks like me. 
Author Unknown

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