Monday, April 7, 2014

No more Excuses

So, today this gal from the CDC came by to have me sign some papers. Little Miss's birthday is coming and she needs to be retested for her speech. 
Anyhoo-- we had to sit at my kitchen table to sign papers and this is what it looked like:
Oh ya, good stuff. :/
We honestly hadn't been lazy all day!! And Little Miss always ends up coloring on the table. I know it. She knows it. One day it'll stop...

So, I started with my apologies  and excuses for our messy table and then I stopped... ugh. And I remembered a goal I made a couple years ago. {I need to remember it more often.}
Here it is... drum roll...

No More Excuses

It's my new goal!
And it doesn't mean I am going to suddenly accomplish a million things. I know that isn't realistic. But it means I'm taking responsibility for my choices.

I'm making choices instead of excuses!

For instances when I woke up this morning to a house that wasn't so neat and tidy I said to myself, "I chose to work on a gift for my mother in law last night rather than clean." Rather than ugh, my baby was fussy, my son was home sick, I was exhausted from being up half the night.... All of those things are true, but they are also excuses and I don't want them anymore. So long. 

I do want to be more organized and together and I'm hoping that my CHOICES will reflect that. And like I said I know it doesn't mean I'll suddenly have everything accomplished. I happen to like holding and playing with my baby girl and that may mean that my neatness suffers, but it'll be my choice not my excuse.

We have to stop apologizing for who we aren't, for what we haven't done and be happy with all that we are and all that we've accomplished!
It's a choice and it's gratitude and it's all GOOD!

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